Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I decided I didn't like my blog layout again. I want to change it. It's like when I was younger and trying to name my stuffed animals: I would pick and name, and then later decide I didn't like it. I soon realized that continuously changing their names defeated the purpose of having a name all together, so I stopped naming them because I couldn't stand the thought of having to stick with the name I picked forever.

I'm scared for the time when I have to name my own children . . .


Amy said...

Ha ha ha...I'm sure they wouldn't mind having a name switch...or just being known as "Baby Harris" for the rest of their lives. Or maybe it could change with their different life stages. I'm down. I don't think your children would be, but I am. :)

Kelster said...

Just name it Warren Jr!!! wait...i would never name my child warren!! :)

johnyjep said...

I think you did a good job naming your child. ;)